TÜRK-İŞ´e bağlı 10 sendikanın oluşturduğu Sendikal Güç Birliği Platformu, gündemdeki kıdem tazminatının hakkının gaspı saldırısına karşı yürüyüş gerçekleştirecek.
TÜRK-İŞ‘e bağlı 10 sendikanın oluşturduğu Sendikal Güç Birliği Platformu, gündemdeki kıdem tazminatının hakkının gaspı saldırısına karşı yürüyüş gerçekleştirecek.
Basın-İş, Belediye-İş, Deri-İş, Hava-İş, Kristal-İş, Petrol-İş, Tek Gıda-İş, Tez-Koop-İş, TGS ve TÜMTİS’in oluşturduğu Sendikal Güç Birliği Platformu, 1 Ekim Cumartesi günü Taksim’de eylem gerçekleştirecek.
Sermayenin saldırıları karşısında Türk-İş yönetiminin mücadeleden uzak tutumunun da protesto edileceği yürüyüş saat 12.00’te Galatasaray Lisesi önünden başlayacak, Taksim Tramvay Durağı’nda sona erecek.
?/////////// SEARCH ///////////
var g_aEng;
var g_loc;
// Initialize namespace, use existing context
var searchshield = searchshield || {};
// constants
searchshield.SCORE_SS_SAFE = 1;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION = 2;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_WARNING = 3;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_BLOCK = 4;
searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN = 7;
searchshield.BLOCK_NONE = 0;
searchshield.BLOCK_NORMAL = 1;
searchshield.BLOCK_PHISH = 2;
searchshield.BLOCK_YAHOO = 3;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE = 0;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW = 1;
searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED = 2;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST = 0;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTA = 1;
searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB = 2;
searchshield.needLivePhishCheck = false;
searchshield.allowedSites = [];
searchshield.enabled = function (doc)
var result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetSearchEnabled’);
return (result == ‘1’ ? 1 : 0);
searchshield.init = function (doc)
if ((doc == null) || (doc.location == null) || ( != -1))
if (!searchshield.enabled(doc))
if (!g_aEng)
g_aEng = searchshield.Search.prototype.detectEngine(doc.location.href);
if (!g_aEng)
// init search object (not declared or is null)
if (typeof xplSearch === ‘undefined’)
// global
xplSearch = new searchshield.Search();
// reset the links added flag
xplSearch.new_links = false;
xplSearch.doc = doc;
xplSearch.href = xplSearch.doc.location.href;
xplSearch.uri = searchshield.parseLink(xplSearch.href);
xplSearch.engine = new searchshield[g_aEng ‘SearchEngine’](xplSearch)
if (doc.location.href != g_loc)
g_loc = doc.location.href;
if ((typeof xplSearch !== ‘undefined’) && (xplSearch != null))
searchshield.launch = function (doc)
// IE specific check
searchshield.quirksMode = ( == ‘BackCompat’);
searchshield.docMode = parseInt(navigator.userAgent.split(‘MSIE’)[1]);
if ((self === top) && (self.document === doc))
if (!xplSearch.engine)
// set verdict display config
// init the alert popup
if (xplSearch.engine.type != ‘inline’)
// save function reference for memory clean up later
var fn = function(event){avglsflyover.hide(null)};
//hide flyover if these events occur
window.detachEvent(‘onscroll’, fn);
window.attachEvent(‘onscroll’, fn);
doc.detachEvent(‘onkeydown’, fn);
doc.attachEvent(‘onkeydown’, fn);
// only start monitor on top doc
// search monitors and processors – doc is always top most document
searchshield.avgPageMonitor = {
previousUrl: null,
start: function(doc){
searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID = window.setTimeout(function(){searchshield.avgPageMonitor.start(doc)}, 1000);
process: function(doc){
var currentUrl = doc.location.href;
var refresh = 0;
if (this.previousUrl != currentUrl) {
this.previousUrl = currentUrl;
avgreport.scanResult(doc, currentUrl);
refresh = ( == ‘google’) ? 1 : 0;
searchshield.avgProcessSearch(doc, refresh);
stop: function(){
if (searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID)
delete searchshield.avgPageMonitor.timeoutID;
searchshield.avgProcessSearch = function (doc, refresh)
// doc may be about:Tabs or about:Blank
if (!doc)
if (!searchshield.enabled(doc))
if (!searchshield.clockUrl)
searchshield.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘GetIconUrl’, ‘0’);
xplSearch.clockUrl = searchshield.clockUrl
if (!xplSearch.engine)
// get result links
xplSearch.links = [];
var links = searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks(doc, xplSearch.engine, refresh);
searchshield.needLivePhishCheck = false;
for (var i=0; i 0 && xplSearch.engine.type != ‘inline’)
searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, ‘FinalScanComplete’);
// attach click handlers for popup alerts
doc.body.detachEvent(“onclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.attachEvent(“onclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.detachEvent(“ondblclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
doc.body.attachEvent(“ondblclick”, searchshield.blockClick);
searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks = function (doc, engine, refresh)
if (!doc.body)
var alltags = doc.body.getElementsByTagName(‘a’);
for (var i = 0; i < alltags.length; i )
if ( !refresh )
{ // no checked test if refreshing – google
if (alltags[i].getAttribute('avglschecked'))
// mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly
alltags[i].setAttribute('avglschecked', '1');
// ignore linked resources
if (alltags[i].tagName == 'LINK')
// ignore in-page bookmarks and javascript
if ((!alltags[i].href) ||
(alltags[i].href.charAt(0) == '#') || // in-page bookmark
(alltags[i].href.indexOf("javascript") == 0))
// ignore verdicts
if (/XPLSS_/.test(alltags[i].id))
// ignore flyover anchors
if (/avgthreatlabs/.test(alltags[i].host))
var href = engine.includeLink(alltags[i]);
if (!href)
var newNode =[i], href);
engine.addImage(newNode,, false);
// recursivesly process all frames
var docFrames = doc.frames;
if (docFrames && engine.processFrames)
for (var j = 0; j < docFrames.length; j )
var attr;
var frameDoc;
try {
attr = docFrames[j].frameElement.className;
frameDoc = docFrames[j].document;
//TODO: make frame processing an engine function or at least make exclusions an engine property
// 'editable' frame it's probably a gmail reply
if (attr && (attr.indexOf("editable") != -1))
if (frameDoc)
searchshield.avgGetSearchLinks(frameDoc, engine, 0);
searchshield.avglsCheckandUpdate = function (linkNode)
if (!xplSearch)
// element is the search result anchor
var element = linkNode.element;
var href = linkNode.href;
var result = searchshield.avgCallFunc(xplSearch.doc, 'CheckSite', href, element.href);
if (result == null)
var resultParse = result.split('::');
var phishing = resultParse[0]; // if phishing then rest of array does not exist.
if (phishing == 1)
return true;
if (resultParse.length -1) ? avglschecked.substring(0, sPos) : null;
var split = (sPos > -1) ? avglschecked.substring(sPos 1) : null;
if (hash && split && split != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_NOTEST)
// check updated verdict anchor for verisign domain
var d = event.srcElement.ownerDocument;
if (d.getElementById(“LXPLSS_” hash “U” searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN))
searchshield.avgCallFunc(d, “RecordVSClick”, hash, d.location.href);
var link = anchor.href;
var verdict = searchshield.getAvgImage(anchor);
var score = -1;
var img_id = ”;
if (verdict != null)
score = verdict.score;
img_id = verdict.rawId;
// show popup alert (upper left)
if ((score >= searchshield.SCORE_SS_CAUTION) && (score <= searchshield.SCORE_SS_WARNING))
// prevent this click from going any further
var search_hash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(document, 'GetHash', document.location.href);
searchshield.ShowPopupAlert(document, link, img_id, search_hash);
// if possible, stop the event from going any further
return false;
return true;
// called by native to update phishing links
searchshield.updatePhishingLinks = function (results)
if (!results)
if (!xplSearch)
var engine = xplSearch.engine;
var resultParse = results.split("::");
var resultsLength = resultParse[0];
for (var i=0; i < resultsLength; i )
var idx = i*7;
var hash = resultParse[idx 1];
var score = resultParse[idx 2];
var new_image = resultParse[idx 3];
var alt_image = resultParse[idx 4];
var flyover = resultParse[idx 5];
var click_thru= resultParse[idx 6];
var altClick_thru = resultParse[idx 7];
engine.updateImage(hash, xplSearch.searchHash, score, new_image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru);
searchshield.getAvgImage = function (element)
var obj = {};
obj.img = xplSearch.engine.getImgElement(element);
obj.score = -1;
//parse the score from the id
if (obj.img != null &&
var pos = !! ?'U') 1 : -1;
obj.score = (pos < 1) ? -1 :;
obj.rawId =,pos-1);
return obj;
searchshield.GetScannedLink = function (link)
if (!xplSearch || !(xplSearch.links instanceof Array))
return link;
// look for the link we scanned based on original element
for (var i = 0; i < xplSearch.links.length; i )
if (xplSearch.links[i].element.href == link)
return xplSearch.links[i].href;
// else return the incoming link
return link;
searchshield.previouslyScanned = function (links, hash)
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i )
if ((links[i] != null) && (links[i].hash != null) &&
(links[i].hash == hash) && (links[i].checked == true))
return true;
return false;
searchshield.initPopupAlert = function (doc)
// check if it exists first
if (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_PopupAlert"))
// create a div to use for the popup itself, hide for now
var popup_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
popup_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_PopupAlert"); = "absolute"; = "10000";
searchshield.initFlyover = function (doc, engine)
// create in top doc only
if (doc !==
doc =;
// check if it exists first
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById("XPLSS_Flyover")))
// create a div to use for the flyover itself, hide for now
var flyover_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
flyover_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_Flyover"); = "absolute"; = "10000";
// create a layer for the image
var trans_div = doc.createElement("DIV");
trans_div.setAttribute("id", "XPLSS_Trans"); = "absolute"; = "9999";
searchshield.ShowPopupAlert = function (doc, link, hash, search)
// build the content
var popup_content = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'BuildPopupAlert', hash, search);
if (popup_content == null || popup_content == "")
// get the div
var div = doc.getElementById("XPLSS_PopupAlert");
div.innerHTML = searchshield.CleanupHTML(popup_content);
// set position, account for scrolling
var zoom = searchshield.zoomLevel();
var pageOffsetX = Math.round(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft/zoom);
var pageOffsetY = Math.round(doc.documentElement.scrollTop/zoom); = 10 pageOffsetX "px"; = 10 pageOffsetY "px";
// TODO: the event handler function doesn't exist so, is this even necessary?
//div.attachEvent("onmouseout", HidePopupAlert);
// set the link
//var data = doc.getElementById("avgalertpopurl");
//if (data)
// data.innerHTML = escape(link);
// set visibility = "visible";
//navigate to the link after timed delay
// TODO: Bug 31707 – make this open a new tab/window
setTimeout(function(){doc.location.assign(link)}, 3000);
searchshield.avgCallFunc = function (doc, name /*, param1…, paramN*/)
// get the data element
var avg_ls_data = (typeof gAvgDataElement !== 'undefined') ? gAvgDataElement : doc.getElementById("avglsdata");
if ((avg_ls_data == null) || (name == null))
// save the data element
gAvgDataElement = avg_ls_data;
// for some reason you can't fire and event on an element with no parent node
if (avg_ls_data.parentNode == null)
// set the attributes
avg_ls_data.setAttribute("function", name);
// set variable length of optional parameter attributes
var pcnt = 0;
for (var i=2; i < arguments.length; i )
avg_ls_data.setAttribute("param" ( pcnt), String(arguments[i]));
// get the result
return avg_ls_data.getAttribute("result");
// general use functions – begin
// DOM Functions
searchshield.getAnchorNode = function (node, filterFunc)
// filterFunc should return a boolean
if (!filterFunc || !filterFunc instanceof Function)
return null;
// go up the dom tree starting at node and look for anchor
// before hitting a header, div or table element
while ((node != null) &&
(node.tagName != null) &&
(node.tagName != "A"))
if (filterFunc(node))
node = null;
node = node.parentNode;
return node;
searchshield.getDocuments = function (frame, frameArray)
{ // recursively get all embedded frames/docs
var frames = frame.frames;
for (var i = 0; i < frames.length; i )
// recurse on each frame
searchshield.getDocuments(frames[i], frameArray);
return frameArray;
searchshield.NextSiblingNode = function (element)
var TEXTNODE = 3;
var ParentNode = element.parentNode;
if (!ParentNode)
var NextSibling = ParentNode.nextSibling;
while (NextSibling)
if (NextSibling.nodeType != TEXTNODE)
return NextSibling;
NextSibling = NextSibling.nextSibling;
searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute = function (attrName, attrValue, node, maxDepth)
if (!node)
return null;
var maxLoop = maxDepth ? maxDepth : 1;
var pNode = node.parentNode;
if (!pNode)
return null;
for(; 0 < maxLoop; maxLoop–)
if ((pNode[attrName]) &&
(pNode[attrName].toLowerCase() === attrValue.toLowerCase()))
return pNode;
pNode = pNode.parentNode;
if (!pNode)
return null;
return null;
searchshield.getParentNodeByClassName = function (className, node, maxDepth)
return searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute("className", className, node, maxDepth);
searchshield.getParentNodeById = function (id, node, maxDepth)
return searchshield.getParentNodeByAttribute("id", id, node, maxDepth);
searchshield.getParentNodeByTagName = function (tagName, node, attrName)
{ // find parent node by tag name and optional attribute name
if (!tagName || !node || !node.parentNode)
return null;
tagName = tagName.toUpperCase();
while ((node != null) && (node.nodeType != 9))
// if attrName is not provided just return TRUE
if (node.nodeName == tagName)
var nodeHasAttribute = !!attrName ? node[attrName] : true;
if (nodeHasAttribute)
return node;
node = node.parentNode;
// no div
return null;
searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement = function (tag)
var rtnHtml;
var tp = tag.parentNode;
var tgpn = tp ? tp.parentNode : null;
if (!tgpn)
lastChildElem = tgpn.lastChild;
while ((lastChildElem != null) && (lastChildElem.nodeName != 'SPAN') && (lastChildElem.nodeName != 'DIV'))
lastChildElem = lastChildElem.previousSibling;
if (lastChildElem)
rtnHtml = lastChildElem.getElementsByTagName('cite')[0];
if (rtnHtml)
rtnHtml = rtnHtml.innerHTML;
return rtnHtml;
searchshield.getHrefFromSpanElement = function (tag)
var rtnHtml;
var tp = tag.parentNode;
var tgpn = tp ? tp.parentNode : null;
if (!tgpn)
siblingElem = tgpn.nextSibling;
while ((siblingElem != null) && (siblingElem.nodeName != 'SPAN') && (siblingElem.className != 'site'))
siblingElem = siblingElem.nextSibling;
if (siblingElem && siblingElem.className && (siblingElem.className.match(/res[13]/)))
if (siblingElem)
rtnHtml = siblingElem.getElementsByTagName('a')[0];
if (rtnHtml)
rtnHtml = rtnHtml.innerHTML;
return rtnHtml;
searchshield.getTopLevelDocument = function (doc)
{ // return the top level document for the given doc, could be itself
// TODO: determine a method of doing this for IE, if necessary
// don't check about:blank
if (doc && ((doc.location.href == "about:blank") || (doc.location.href == "about:Tabs")))
return doc;
// Check if already a top level document
for (var i = 0; i < gBrowser.browsers.length; i )
if (doc == gBrowser.browsers[i].contentDocument)
return doc;
// Not a top level, check all frames
var documents;
for (var j = 0; j < gBrowser.browsers.length; j )
// get all docs for each browser
documents = searchshield.getDocuments(gBrowser.browsers[j].contentWindow, new Array());
for (var k = 0; k < documents.length; k )
// check if doc is from current browser
if (doc == documents[k])
// it is, return the top level doc for this browser
return gBrowser.browsers[j].contentDocument;
return doc;
searchshield.getTopLevelWindow = function ()
// TODO: determine a method of doing this for IE, if necessary
return mediator.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser");
//Event functions
searchshield.addListener = function (object, evtType, listener, useCapture)
useCapture = !!useCapture;
if (object.addEventListener)
object.addEventListener(evtType, listener, useCapture);
return true;
else if (object.attachEvent)
object.attachEvent("on" evtType, listener);
return true;
return false;
searchshield.cancelEvent = function (event)
event.cancelBubble = true;
event.returnValue = false;
searchshield.doEvent = function (evtObj, evtTarget, evtName, evtType, bubbles, cancelable)
bubbles = !!bubbles;
cancelable = !!cancelable;
if (document.createEvent)
var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
evt.initEvent(evtName, bubbles, cancelable);
return true;
else if (document.createEventObject)
var evt = document.createEventObject(evtObj);
evtTarget.fireEvent("on" evtType, evt);
return true;
return false;
searchshield.removeListener = function (object, evtType, listener, useCapture)
useCapture = !!useCapture;
if (object.removeEventListener)
object.removeEventListener(evtType, listener, useCapture);
return true;
else if (object.detachEvent)
object.detachEvent(evtType, listener);
return true;
return false;
// HTML functions
searchshield.CleanupHTML = function (data)
if (data == null)
return data;
// cleanup html data, replace any new lines
data = data.replace(/r/g, "");
data = data.replace(/n/g, "");
// escape any single quotes
data = data.replace(/'/g, "\'");
return data;
searchshield.removeHtmlTags = function (str)
var re = new RegExp('(] >)’,’g’);
var strStr = new String(str);
if (!!strStr)
return strStr.replace(re, ”);
return str;
// Browser functions
searchshield.elementSize = function (element)
//returns an array [sizeX, sizeY]
var elemX;
var elemY;
elemX = parseInt(element.offsetWidth);
elemY = parseInt(element.offsetHeight)
return [elemX, elemY];
searchshield.GetFullBoundingRect = function (element)
if (!element) return;
// get bounding rect for incoming element
var elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();
var nextImg = null;
var nextImgRect = null;
// first check for another non-TextNode element after this one
var siblingElement = searchshield.NextSiblingNode(element);
if ( siblingElement &&
siblingElement.firstChild && &&“XPLSS_”) != -1)
nextImg = siblingElement.firstChild;
nextImgRect = nextImg.getBoundingClientRect();
return elementRect;
if (( >= elementRect.bottom) &&
(nextImgRect.left <= elementRect.left))
{ // images appear to be on seperate lines
return elementRect;
// else merge the rects together into a new one
var newRect = new function() {; this.left=0; this.right=0; this.bottom=0; this.mid=0;}; = Math.min(,;
newRect.left= Math.min(elementRect.left, nextImgRect.left);
newRect.right=Math.max(elementRect.right, nextImgRect.right);
newRect.bottom=Math.max(elementRect.bottom, nextImgRect.bottom);
newRect.mid = Math.min(elementRect.right, nextImgRect.left);
return newRect;
searchshield.offsetLeft = function (element)
var offset = 0;
while (element)
offset = element.offsetLeft;
element = element.offsetParent;
return offset;
searchshield.offsetTop = function (element)
var offset = 0;
while (element)
offset = element.offsetTop;
element = element.offsetParent;
return offset;
searchshield.scrollSize = function (imageElem)
// returns an array [scrollX, scrollY, hasParentFrame]
var scrollX;
var scrollY;
var hasParentFrame;
// firefox
if (window.pageXOffset && window.pageYOffset)
scrollX = window.pageXOffset;
scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
else if (document.documentElement || document.body)
scrollX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft;
scrollY = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop;
if (imageElem)
var frames = document.frames;
if (frames)
for (var i=0; i < frames.length; i )
var img;
try {
img = frames[i].document.getElementById(;
if (img != null)
scrollX = frames[i].document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
scrollY = frames[i].document.documentElement.scrollTop;
hasParentFrame = true;
scrollX = 0;
scrollY = 0;
return [parseInt(scrollX,10), parseInt(scrollY,10), hasParentFrame];
searchshield.viewPortSize = function ()
// returns an array [width, height, scrollYWidth], where scrollYWidth is always 0 for IE
var scrollXWidth = 19;
var scrollYWidth = 0; // 0 for Microsoft IE
var scrollBarX = false;
var windowX;
var windowY;
// firefox
if (window.innerWidth && window.innerHeight)
//TODO: validate this block if implemented for firefox
windowX = window.innerWidth – scrollXWidth;
windowY = window.innerHeight;
scrollYWidth = Math.floor(Math.abs(window.innerHeight – document.documentElement.clientHeight)) 1;
scrollBarX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth < document.documentElement.scrollWidth);
if (scrollBarX && !scrollYWidth)
scrollYWidth = 18; //normally 17 ( 1 top border)
else if (document.documentElement || document.body)
windowX = (document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) – scrollXWidth;
windowY = document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight;
windowX = 0;
windowY = 0;
return [windowX, windowY, scrollYWidth];
searchshield.zoomLevel = function ()
var level = 1;
if (document.body.getBoundingClientRect) {
// rect is only in physical pixel size before IE8
var rect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect();
level = Math.round (((rect.right – rect.left) / (document.body.offsetWidth)) * 100) / 100;
return level;
// Href functions
searchshield.checkUrl = function (url)
{ // cleanup a url, make sure there is a protocol on the front for scanning
try {
// trim
url = url.replace(/^s /, "").replace(/s $/, "");
// if no protocol, add http:// to it
if (url.indexOf("://") == -1)
url = "http://" url;
return url;
searchshield.DoesURLContain = function (url, contain)
if ((url == null) || (url.length < 1))
return false;
// breakup the url to check
var parts = url.split('/');
if (parts.length -1)
return true;
return false;
searchshield.FilterUrl = function (url, filter)
if (!url || (url.length < 1))
return false;
if (!filter || !(filter instanceof Array))
return false;
var parts = url.split('/');
if ((parts == null) || (parts.length < 3))
return false;
var domain = parts[2];
for (var i = 0; i = 3))
return parts[2].toLowerCase();
return url;
searchshield.getUrlContents = function (url)
if (url == null)
return null;
// don’t query if local url
if (url.indexOf(“linkscanner://”) != -1)
return null;
req = new XMLHttpRequest();“GET”, url, false);
if (req.status == 200)
return req.responseText;
return null;
catch (err)
// nothing to do
return null;
searchshield.parseLink = function (href, simpleMode)
var uri = {};
var parameter = {
complex: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z] ):(?:([a-z]*):)?//)?(?:([^:@]*)(?::([^:@]*))?@)?((?:[a-z0-9_-] .) [a-z]{2,})(?::(d ))?(?:([^:?#] ))?(?:?([^#] ))?(?:#([^s] ))?$/i,
element: [‘source’,’scheme’,’subscheme’,’user’,’pass’,’host’,’port’,’path’,’query’,’fragment’]
simple: {
pattern: /^(?:([a-z] )://)?((?:[a-z0-9_-] .) [a-z]{2,})(?:/)([^:?] )?(?:([?|#])([^?] ))?$/i,
element: [‘source’,’scheme’,’host’,’path’,’delimiter’,’query’]
var mode = simpleMode !== false ? ‘simple’ : ‘complex’;
var pattern = parameter[mode].pattern;
var element = parameter[mode].element;
if (!href)
return uri;
var matches = href.match(pattern);
if (matches)
// ——————–
// iterate over the matches array and populate uri properties
// using the respective element parameter as the name.
// NOTE: set raw property type as String to make inArray()
// work properly with instanceof.
// ——————–
for (var i=0; i < matches.length; i )
uri[element[i]] = new String(matches[i] || "");
// ——————–
// create an array, hostArray, from host, for example,
// host="" and hostArray=["www","google","com"]
// ——————–
uri.hostArray =".");
// ——————–
// create an array, qsArray, from query, for example,
// query='hl=en&q=javascript&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai='
// qsArray=[{hl:'en'},{q:javascript}, … ,(qs_rfai:''}]
// $0=entire match, $1=capture 1, $2=capture 2
// must include $0 even though it is unused so
// the replace works properly
// ——————–
uri.qsArray = searchshield.parseQuery(uri.query);
//non-standard urls require a fail-safe that relies on simply splitting the href
function splitLink(href)
// split the href on '/'
var linkParts = href.split("/");
// need domain and path
if ((linkParts == null) || (linkParts.length < 2))
return false;
var uri = {
delimiter: (linkParts[3]).substring(0,1),
host: linkParts[2],
hostArray: (linkParts[2]).split('.'),
path: (linkParts[3]).substring(1),
qsArray: [],
query: '',
scheme: (linkParts[0]).substring(0, linkParts[0].length-1),
source: href
return uri;
if (!
uri = splitLink(href);
return uri;
searchshield.parseQuery = function (qs)
var qsArray = [];
function ($0, $1, $2) {
if ($1) qsArray[$1] = $2;
return qsArray;
// general functions
searchshield.arrayKeys = function (array)
var keys = new Array();
for(k in array)
return keys;
searchshield.inArray = function (key, array, caseSensitive, exactMatch)
if (! array instanceof Array)
return false;
if (caseSensitive !== true)
caseSensitive = false;
if (exactMatch !== false)
exactMatch = true;
if (key instanceof String)
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i )
var k = caseSensitive ? key.valueOf() : key.valueOf().toLowerCase();
var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase();
if(exactMatch && k === a)
return true;
else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a)))
return true;
else if (key instanceof Array)
for (var i=0; i < array.length; i )
for (var j=0; j < key.length; j )
var k = caseSensitive ? key[j] : key[j].toLowerCase();
var a = caseSensitive ? array[i] : array[i].toLowerCase();
if (exactMatch && k === a)
return true;
else if (!exactMatch && (-1 !== k.indexOf(a)))
return true;
return false;
searchshield.getClickHandlerParams = function(clickHandler)
var re = /((?:'[^']*')|[w]*)(?:,|))/ig;
var chParams = [];
function($0, $1, $2){
if ($1)
return chParams;
// general use functions – end
// Search constructor
searchshield.Search = function()
this.doc = null;
this.engine = null;
this.engines = null;
this.links = null;
this.uri = null;
this.searchHash = null;
this.checkUrl = null;
this.useLocalImgs = null;
this.clockUrl = null;
// create engine list (actually key/value object will be used)
this.engineList = {};
searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames = function()
{ // order is important
var names = [
'MSN', // MSN redirects to BING
///temp 'Digg',
return names;
searchshield.Search.prototype.detectEngine = function(href)
if (!href)
var aEng = searchshield.Search.prototype.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i )
if (searchshield[aEng[i] 'SearchEngine'].prototype.validSearch(href))
return aEng[i];
searchshield.Search.prototype.addEngine = function(engine)
if (!this.engines)
this.engines = new Array();
searchshield.Search.prototype.addLink = function(inElement, inHref)
if (!this.links)
this.links = new Array();
var hrefHash;
hrefHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', inHref);
catch (e){}
var newNode = {
element: inElement,
href: inHref,
hash: hrefHash,
search: this.searchHash
return newNode;
// process the search result page after all search engines have been added
searchshield.Search.prototype.process = function(doc)
// only process when searchshield is enabled
if (!searchshield.enabled(doc))
this.doc = doc;
this.href = this.doc.location.href;
this.uri = searchshield.parseLink(this.href);
this.searchHash = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetHash', this.href);
// get any previously active engine
this.engine = this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()];
catch (e) {}
Process Steps:
1. Add all supported search engines
2. Identify the active search engine
3. Get all document links and add AVG images
// STEP 1 – Add all supported search engines
if (!this.engines)
var aEng = xplSearch.getSearchNames();
var aEngLen = aEng.length;
for (var i=0; i < aEngLen; i )
xplSearch.addEngine(new searchshield[aEng[i] 'SearchEngine'](this));
// search the engines if we didn't find one
if (!this.engine)
// STEP 2 – Identify the active search engine
var engLen = this.engines.length;
for (var i = 0; i < engLen; i )
if (this.engines[i].validSearch())
this.engine = this.engines[i];
// create a new engine instance to store
this.engineList[this.searchHash.toString()] = this.engine;
// init this search, if < 1 either an error or disabled
//var sdkInit = 0;
//try {
// sdkInit = xpl_sdk.SXPL_InitSearch(this.href);
//if (sdkInit < 1)
// return false;
// return immediately if there is not an active search engine
if (!this.engine)
return false;
try {
// base url to check for icons
this.checkUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '1');
// check if using linked or local icons
this.useLocalImgs = !searchshield.getUrlContents(this.checkUrl);
// get the clock url
this.clockUrl = searchshield.avgCallFunc(this.doc, 'GetIconUrl', '0');
// STEP 3 – Get all document links and add AVG images
var alltags = this.doc.getElementsByTagName("*"); // this method works for IE, FF and Chrome
for (var i=0; i -1))
// mark search result anchor so it isn’t processed repeatedly
if (score == undefined)
element.setAttribute(“avglschecked”, hash “S” this.VeriSignSplit);
// create a new image
var img = doc.createElement(‘img’);
img.src = image; = “XPLSS_” hash; = “none”; = “0 3px”;
// for IE, specify these style attributes to prevent inadvertent inheritance from parent
if (img.width && img.height)
{ = img.width ‘px’; = img.height ‘px’;
// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(img, this.addImageStyle);
// create the link element
var anchor = doc.createElement(“A”);
anchor.setAttribute(“id”, “LXPLSS_” hash);
if ((hidden != null) && (hidden == true))
{ // hiding the parent will also hide its child nodes = “none”;
// Default anchor styles
//Over-ride possible border style with inline declaration = “none”;
// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(anchor, this.addAnchorStyle);
if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
{ = “none”; = “none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent”;
// append the image to the link
// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
parentNode.insertBefore(anchor, insertNode);
return anchor;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateImage = function (hash, search, score, image, alt_image, flyover, click_thru, altClick_thru)
var updated = false;
var frameDoc =;
var docFrames = frameDoc.frames;
var frameElem;
if (docFrames && this.processFrames)
for (var i=0; i < docFrames.length; i )
try {
if (docFrames[i].document.getElementById(hash))
frameElem = docFrames[i].frameElement;
frameDoc = docFrames[i].document;
while ((element = frameDoc.getElementById(hash)) != null)
// check configuration to determine if verdict display property
var showVerdict = true;
var nSeverity = Number(score – 1);
switch (nSeverity)
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_LOW:
showVerdict = this.showLowRiskVerdicts;
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_MED:
showVerdict = this.showMedRiskVerdicts;
case searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE:
showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts;
if (score == searchshield.SCORE_SS_VERISIGN)
showVerdict = this.showCleanVerdicts;
// remove image if no url specified
if ((!showVerdict) || (image == null) || (image.length anchor->containerNodes…
while (cN && maxLoop–)
if (cN.tagName == “DIV” || cN.tagName == “SPAN”)
// get object height depending on ie document mode
var clientHeight = (cN.clientHeight == 0 ||
( && < 8)) ?
cN.offsetHeight :
scrl = cN.scrollHeight – clientHeight;
cN = cN.parentNode;
if (0 eH)
eH = reduceBy;
var newDim = Math.ceil(eH*element.height);
element.height = newDim;
element.width = newDim; = newDim “px”; = newDim “px”;
// set default style attributes = “”;
// if verisign icon showing move our icon up for better centering of the 2
// except for IE7 browser – it does not like this style
try {
var ieVersion = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion.split(“MSIE”)[1]);
if (alt_image && (alt_image.length > 0) && ieVersion != 7) = “10%”;
// apply custom element styles
this.updateElementStyle(element, this.updateImageStyle)
// update the click thru
var link =“L” hash);
if (link)
link.href = click_thru; = “U” score;
updated = true;
// add the alternate image if supplied BUT not on avg yahoo
if ((alt_image) &&
(alt_image.length > 0) &&
(!this.omitAltImage) &&
(this.VeriSignSplit != searchshield.VERISIGN_SPLIT_TESTB))
var vhash = hash.substring(hash.indexOf(“_”) 1);
// create a temporary link node
var tmp_node = {
element: element.parentNode,
href: altClick_thru,
hash: vhash “VU” score,
search: this.searchHash,
score: score
var altAnchor = this.addImage(tmp_node, alt_image, false);
if (altAnchor && altAnchor.firstChild)
altAnchor.firstChild.setAttribute(“onmouseover”, “”);
altAnchor.href = altClick_thru;
if (updated != false)
return true;
return false;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.updateElementStyle = function (element, elementStyle)
if (elementStyle)
{ // a NULL attribte value will unset it
for(attr in elementStyle)
try {
if (, elementStyle[attr]);
else[attr] = elementStyle[attr];
} catch(err){}
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.resizeFrame = function (frameElem)
{ // resize frame to prevent unwanted scrolling after inserting verdicts
// ignore inline and non-frame engines
if ((this.type == ‘inline’) || (!this.processFrames))
// ensure all required elements are available
if ((frameElem == null) || ( == null) || (frameElem.contentWindow == null))
// if frame is scrolling vertically then resize
var frameHeight = parseInt(, 10);
if (!isNaN(frameHeight) && (frameHeight < frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight)) = frameElem.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight 'px';
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.getImgElement = function (element)
{ // return an xpl img element associated with a given element
if (element == null)
return null;
// go up the parent tree looking for a header or div
while ( (element.parentNode != null) &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "H") &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "D") &&
(element.tagName.charAt(0) != "T") )
element = element.parentNode;
// if all the way to the top, nothing
if ((element.tagName == "HTML") || (element == null))
return null;
// get image tags, if none we are done
var imgTags = element.getElementsByTagName("IMG");
if ((imgTags == null) || (imgTags.Length < 1))
return null;
for (var i = 0; i = 5)
{ //if set to default then get config value
if (this.showCleanVerdicts === true)
this.showCleanVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[0]) == 1) ? true : false;
if (this.showLowRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showLowRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[1]) == 1) ? true : false;
if (this.showMedRiskVerdicts === true)
this.showMedRiskVerdicts = (parseInt(parts[2]) == 1) ? true : false;
this.VeriSignSplit = (parseInt(parts[4]));
return true;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.init_inline_ratings = function (doc)
if ((doc == null) || (doc.getElementById(“XPLSS_InlineFlyover”)))
if (!searchshield.quirksMode)
// create style for inline flyovers
var styleTag = doc.createElement(“style”);
var headTag = doc.getElementsByTagName(“head”)[0];
var inline_style = styleTag.styleSheet;
// stub in the base image name as the url
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_tl.png) no-repeat top left;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO”, “width:0px; font-size:0px; z-index:9999; visibility:hidden; position:absolute; left:-5000px;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_content”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_r.png) top right repeat-y;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_content”,”font-size:10px; color:black; padding:0px 10px; text-align:left; word-wrap:break-word; line-height:130%”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_head”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_tr.png) no-repeat top right;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_head”, “width:0px; height:5px;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_head div”,”height:5px;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_bl.png) no-repeat bottom left”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot”, “height:5px;”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot div”, “background: url(linkscanner://default_inline_border_br.png) no-repeat bottom right”);
inline_style.addRule(“.avgILFO_foot div”, “height:5px; width:0px;”);
try {
// create the popup box
var box = doc.createElement(“DIV”);
if (searchshield.quirksMode)
{ = “hidden”; = “absolute”; = “-5000px”;
box.setAttribute(“id”, “XPLSS_InlineFlyover”);
box.setAttribute(“class”, “avgILFO”);
box = null;
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.show_inline_ratings = function (doc, node, image)
var href = node.href;
var anchor = node.element;
if ((href == null) || (href.length < 1))
if (avglsinlineflyover.imageExists(anchor))
// mark search result anchor so it isn't processed repeatedly
anchor.setAttribute("avglschecked", "1");
// get verdict
this.display_inline(doc, anchor, href, node, false);
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.display_inline = function (doc, anchor, href, node, update, min_severity)
// min_severity is the lowest severity to display, so setting it to
// 1 would not display safe icons
var results = searchshield.avgCallFunc(doc, 'MalsiteCheck', href);
if (results == null)
var parts = results.split('::');
// need at least severity
if (parts == null)
var nSeverity = parseInt(parts[0]);
if (!update && nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE)
var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls);
if (shortUrl)
{ // shortened url verdicts display later
var engine = this;
anchor.attachEvent("onmouseover", function(event){avglsinlineflyover.mouseOverHandler(event, doc, engine)});
// severity -1 signifies sb.dat load failure
if ( nSeverity == -1 )
nSeverity = searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_NONE;
//blacklist url
var blShortUrl = false;
if (nSeverity == searchshield.XPLCHECK_RESULT_SEV_BLOCK)
var shortUrl = searchshield.FilterUrl(href, this.shortened_urls);
if (shortUrl)
blShortUrl = true;
// need xlated cat tag and category
if (parts.length < 3)
// check the minimum to display
if ((min_severity != null) && (nSeverity 0 )
imageElem.setAttribute(“title”, “”);
imageElem.attachEvent(“onmouseover”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html, nSeverity)});
imageElem.attachEvent(“onmouseout”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});
// add the image to the page
searchshield.SearchEngine.prototype.add_inline_image = function (doc, anchor, nSeverity, aRisk, blShortUrl)
if (anchor == null || anchor.parentNode == null)
return null;
// get the proper insertion point for the image
var insertNode = anchor.nextSibling;
while ((insertNode != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName != null) &&
(insertNode.tagName == “SPAN”))
insertNode= insertNode.nextSibling;
// see if we already have an image anchor
if ((insertNode != null) &&
( != null) &&
( == “avg_ls_anch”))
return null;
var html = ”;
var image = this.inline.clockImage;
if (aRisk != null && nSeverity != null)
var riskCategory = aRisk[1];
var riskName = aRisk[2];
var bgColor = this.inline.color.background[nSeverity];
var borderColor = this.inline.color.border[nSeverity];
image = this.inline.image[nSeverity];
var blUrl;
if (blShortUrl)
var aRiskName = riskName.split(‘:’);
var sUrl = searchshield.checkUrl(aRiskName[1]);
blUrl = {};
blUrl.riskNameLabel = aRiskName[0] ‘: ‘;
blUrl.riskCategory = riskCategory;
blUrl.bgColor = bgColor;
blUrl.borderColor = borderColor;
blUrl.sUrl = sUrl;
html =, riskName, bgColor, borderColor);
doc = anchor.ownerDocument;
var img = doc.createElement(“img”);
img.src = image;
img.setAttribute(“id”,”avg_ls_image”); = “12px”; = “12px”; = “none”; = “0 3px”; = “0”;
if ((html && html.length > 0) || (blUrl != undefined))
img.setAttribute(“title”, “”);
img.attachEvent(“onmouseover”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.popup(e, html, nSeverity, blUrl)});
img.attachEvent(“onmouseout”, function(e){avglsinlineflyover.hide(e)});
// create the link element
var newAnchor = doc.createElement(“A”);
newAnchor.setAttribute(“id”, “avg_ls_anch”); = “inline-block”; = “none repeat scroll 0 0 transparent”;
img = null;
// insert the node as either a sibling or a child
if (insertNode != null)
anchor.parentNode.insertBefore(newAnchor, insertNode);
return newAnchor;
//////////////// SEARCH ENGINE ////////////////
/////////////// GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine; = “google”; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {
var uri;
if (typeof( === ‘undefined’ || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;
if(!uri || !
return false;
var hostMatch = false;
var domain =;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path uri.delimiter uri.query;
// For Google the host must match:
// OR
// OR
// OR
// .google.XX where XX is a country code
// one special case is (Anguilla)
// Where any subdomain can come before the top level domain
if ( /(.(?:google|mozilla).(?:com|(?:co|off).[a-z]{2}|[a-z]{2}))/i.test(domain) )
//check the path
if ((path.indexOf(“search?”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“sponsoredlinks?”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“webhp?”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“webhp#”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“#q=”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“#hl=”) == 0) ||
(path.indexOf(“#sclient=”) == 0))
return true;
return false;
searchshield.GoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var href = “”;
var outHref = false;
var findStr = “”;
// check for interstitials
if (searchshield.DoesURLContain(tag.href,
findStr = “/interstitial?”;
if (tag.className == “l” && tag.href)
if (tag.href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
findStr = “?url=”;
var pos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (pos !== -1)
pos = 5;
outHref = tag.href.substring(pos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;
return outHref;
if (tag.className == “sla”)
findStr = “/url?q=”;
urlPos = tag.href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 7;
outHref = tag.href.substring(urlPos);
return outHref;
// if an ad id
if ((“pa”) == 0) || (“an”) == 0) ||
(tag.className == “resultLink”))
var urlPos = -1;
// ads now need unescaping
href = unescape(tag.href);
findStr= “/url?sa=”;
if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
{ // first kind, locate real url
findStr= “&q=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 3; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
findStr = “/pagead/iclk?sa=”;
if (href.indexOf(findStr) != -1)
{ // second kind, locate real url
findStr = “&adurl=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 7; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf(“/aclk?sa=”) != -1)
{ // third kind
urlPos = href.indexOf(“&q=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 3; // puts it on the http
urlPos = href.indexOf(“&lp=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 4;
findStr = “&adurl=http”;
urlPos = href.indexOf(findStr);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 7; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos == -1)
if (href.indexOf(“/url?cad=”) != -1)
{ // fourth kind
urlPos = href.indexOf(“&q=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 3; // puts it on the http
if (urlPos != -1)
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);
// the destination url is in the href string of this redirector
if (outHref.indexOf(‘’) > -1)
urlPos = (unescape(outHref)).indexOf(‘url[]=’) 6;
var destUrl = (unescape(outHref)).substring(urlPos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(destUrl, this.filter_urls))
var destUrl = searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement(tag);
if (destUrl)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl));
return false;
return destUrl;
// filtered url but can get destination from href string
if (outHref.indexOf(‘’) > -1)
var tmpoh = unescape(outHref);
var destUrl = tmpoh.substring(tmpoh.indexOf(‘DURL=’) 5);
if (destUrl != null)
var destUrl = unescape(destUrl);
return destUrl;
// extract any fragment text, shouldn’t be unescaped
var pound = outHref.indexOf(“#”);
if (pound != -1)
var fragment = outHref.substring(pound);
outHref = outHref.substring(0, pound);
outHref = unescape(outHref);
outHref = fragment;
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
return false;
return outHref;
outHref = unescape(outHref);
if (outHref.indexOf(“?”) == -1)
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf(“&”);
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);
if (searchshield.FilterUrl(outHref, this.filter_urls))
var destUrl = searchshield.getHrefFromCiteElement(tag);
if (destUrl)
return searchshield.checkUrl(searchshield.removeHtmlTags(destUrl));
return false;
return outHref;
// recommended link – use following to see one
// elem parent class = r
// href must contain – url? and q=http
var parentNode = tag.parentNode;
if (parentNode && (parentNode.className.toLowerCase() == “r”))
href = tag.href;
if (href && (href.indexOf(“/url?”) != -1))
// locate the real url
var urlPos = href.indexOf(“q=http”);
if (urlPos != -1)
urlPos = 2;
outHref = href.substring(urlPos);
// include entire param up to ‘&’
var ampPos = outHref.indexOf(“&”);
if (ampPos != -1)
outHref = outHref.substring(0, ampPos);
return outHref;
// no link to self
else if (tag.className && (tag.className.charAt(0) == “l” || tag.className == “sla”))
// check for any images on the link
if (0 === tag.getElementsByTagName(“IMG”).length)
return tag.href;
// special case for ie6 results
else if (searchshield.docMode == 6 || searchshield.docMode == 7)
var parentNodeClass = tag.parentNode ? tag.parentNode.className : ”;
if ((tag.className == ”) && (parentNodeClass == ‘r’))
return tag.href;
// else nothing
return false;
/////////////// GOOGLE ///////////////
/////////////// AVG GOOGLE SEARCH ENGINE ///////////////
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine = function(search)
{, search);
this.onlyPrimaries = false;
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype = new searchshield.SearchEngine();
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.constructor = searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine; = “avggoogle”; // the name by which the search engine is known (always lowercase)
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.validSearch = function(href) {
var uri;
if (typeof( === ‘undefined’ || null ===
uri = searchshield.parseLink(href);
uri =;
if(!uri || !
return false;
var domain =;
// re stitch the uri path and query elements to
// use existing logic
var path = uri.path uri.delimiter uri.query;
if (domain.indexOf(“”) > -1)
{ // ads link back to google
return true;
return false;
searchshield.AVGGoogleSearchEngine.prototype.includeLink = function(tag)
var o